Documentation for the program "fourfit" -- last update 2013.6.5 --------------------------------------- COMMAND NAME: fourfit SYNOPSIS: Performs fringe searching for continuum MkIV data SYNTAX: fourfit [-a] [-b BB:F] [-c controlfile] [-d display device] [-f value] [-m value] [-n value] [-p] [-r afile] [-s naps] [-tux] [-P polar_pair] [-T trefoffs] [-X] data file list [set ] Where all arguments except the data file list are optional. The [-r afile] option replaces the data file list, however. The "set" argument and the commands which follow it must come last. All option flags must appear before the data file list. Option flags can come in any order. Here are two examples of command-line invocations of fourfit, with an explanation of what they do: fourfit -txas -m 1 -c control 018-234505 set mb_win -0.0034 .004 freqs a b Test mode, xwindow display, accounting switched on, cross power spectrum plot switched on, moderately verbose, use control file named "control" in current working directory, process all data in scan directory 018-234505, override multiband delay search window and select channels 'a' and 'b' only. fourfit -r refr_list -c control -d hardcopy -b AT:S Process all data referenced by type 2 lines in the A-file named "refr_list", use control file "control", print the fringe plot on the default printer, process only baseline AT frequency subgroup S. OPTION FLAGS: -a If specified, this option switches on accounting of CPU time and wall-clock time used in the various parts of fourfit. When the program finishes, it produces a summary of these timing statistics. -b BB:F Allows the user to override the control file with a specification of the baseline and/or frequency group to be processed. The syntax is flexible. 0, 1 or 2 characters before the colon refer to the baseline (one character is interpreted as a station), and 0 or 1 character after the colon is interpreted as the frequency subgroup. You can use the control file wildcard character '?' in the baseline, but remember to protect it from the C-shell either by escaping it with a backslash '\' or enclosing the entire -b argument in single quotes. If you wish only to specify the baseline, the colon may be omitted. An error in the -b flag argument causes the flag to be ignored, and fourfit will continue execution. -c controlfile Specifies the file which contains parameters to control the operation of the program. If absent, fourfit will use only the file pointed to by the environment variable DEF_CONTROL, which in turn defaults to $FF/cf_default as defined in the $HOPS/setup.csh file. Any parameters set in a control file specified with the -c option override the default file values. A description of the syntax of the control file, with an example, can be found later in this document. -d display_device Upon completion of a fringe fit, fourfit can optionally display the results using postscript. The valid choices for "display_device" are: save the plot in "" hardcopy send the plot directly to lpr pshardcopy print the plot via pplot_print xwindow show the plot in an X11 window psscreen the same, but allow GS_* options -f first channel overrides the default first channel (0) to facilitate plotting when there are more than 16 channels (see -n) -m value This flag controls the verbosity of the program via the integer argument "value", which ranges from 3 (virtually silent except for major errors) to -3 (incredibly verbose, of use only to the authors of the program). The default is 2. -n number of channels When channels are overridden (see also the -f flag) this tells how many channels to put on the plot. Note that neither -f nor -n affect the actual fringe fit, just the plotting thereof. -p This is equivalent to "-d psscreen". -r afile Puts fourfit into "refringe" mode. Fourfit refringing is driven by an A-file input, which overrides any correlator root files directly specified on the command line (i.e. the latter are ignored when the -r flag is specified). The input A-file, of which there can be only one, may contain root, corel or fringe lines, but only the fringe lines are used to determine which data to process, by baseline and frequency subgroup. Obviously, the -r flag is inconsistent with the -u flag, and specifying both is an error. Note that for afiles using HP-1000 (version 1) line formats, fourfit has to pre-check the disk for the existence of the type 2 files. The data area is controlled by the DATADIR environment variable. It defaults to the value of $CORDATA. -s naps This parameter controls how many AP's are merged together into each plotting segment. Thus the number of time points shown in the phase, amplitude, and validity plots is so controlled. Additionally, the ph/seg and amp/seg statistics are calculated based upon the stated number of AP's in each segment. -t This flag places fourfit in test mode. Everything works as normal, except that the output file is not written to disk, and the root file is not updated. This is useful when experimenting with different fringe-fitting strategies, in order to avoid cluttering up the disk. -u Normally, fourfit processes all data consistent with the data file list and the control information. When this flag is specified, fourfit will also check the information in the type-2100 record of the root to see if the data have already been processed by fourfit. If so, the data in question are skipped. The "u" stands for update mode. -x This is equivalent to "-d xwindow". -P pp Controls polarization processing, where the 2 character string pp is one of four cross-polarization states {RR, LL, RL, or LR} -T trefoffs If this option is invoked, the fourfit reference time will be calculated by taking the nominal scan start time from the ovex file and adding trefoffs (which is an integer # of seconds) to it. -X Forces fourfit to write cross-power spectra into type 230 records. This option is typically used for import into AIPS. ARGUMENTS: data file list This mandatory argument or arguments tells fourfit which data files to process. The format of the data file specification is the standard one for all MkIV software. You may specify individual filenames, scan directories which contain data files, experiment directories, or any combination of these three. In the latter two cases, fourfit will descend the directory tree looking for data files to add to its internal list of files to process. Only root files need be specified. The data files actually fringe-searched are determined by the combination of the root files specified and the restrictions imposed by the control file or control parameter list (see below). In the absence of such restrictions, all data associated with the specified root files are processed. Beware of trying to specify too many files or scan directories, as it is possible to overflow the Unix argument list buffer on large experiments. In such cases, specify the experiment directory instead. The postscript rendering is performed by ghostscript [gs(1)], and GS_* environment variables can be used to produce a variety of graphics when the "psscreen" (see -d above). For example, GS_OPTIONS=-sOutputFile=abc.png GS_DEVICE=png16 \ fourfit ... will generate a 16-color PNG plot. set This command line argument is optional, and is intended to permit rapid, temporary modification of 'fourfit' behaviour without the need to edit the control file. The word "set" tells fourfit to expect additional control information on the rest of the command line. The syntax of this control information is identical to that of the control file (see detailed description below). The control file parser will detect syntax errors and abort if you do not follow the rules as laid down. The control information you specify after the "set" argument on the command line applies to all data to be processed, and overrides whatever the control file itself specified for the parameters in question. ENVIRONMENT: DEF_CONTROL, DISPLAY, DATADIR, GS_DEVICE, GS_OPTIONS DESCRIPTION: Fourfit is the functional analogue of FRNGE on the HP-1000 systems, and searches the data represented by the root and corel files for fringes, writing the results of the search to files of type fringe. The emphasis in the design of the program has been speed and flexibility, particularly with regard to future enhancements. Algorithmically, the program is closely modelled on FRNGE, with only minor enhancements as yet, based on the availablity of greater computing resources. Below is a preliminary form of a document describing in detail the format and syntax of the control file: * Example of current syntax for fourfit control file * This file makes no semantic sense for a real experiment; rather, it is used * to illustrate typical command syntaxes. max_parity 0.001 * global commands come first ref_freq 8213.15 x_crc discard x_slip_sync keep y_slip_sync discard start -10 use_samples true if station L and f_group X freqs a+ b c d- e f g h pc_phases abcdefgh 5 -11 12 38 -56 13.2 11 -29 pc_mode ap_by_ap pc_freqs abcdefgh 10 10 1010 10 1010 10 1010 1010 if station L and f_group S pc_phases ijkmn 4.5 -78 39 +12 0 pc_mode normal if station A pc_mode multitone pc_period 30 pc_tonemask abcdefgh 0 0 8 0 4 0 5 0 pc_phases_l abcdefgh 12 13 11 12 24 -6 38 110 pc_phases_r abcdefgh 11 29 14 11 64 -2 44 132 samplers 2 abcd efgh pc_delay_l 30.2 pc_delay_r -5.9 ionosphere 18.0 if (station V or baseline KT) and source 3C279 * parentheses NYI sb_win -0.5 0.5 mb_win 0.02 0.02 dr_win -1.0E-6 0.5E-6 else sb_win 0.0 0.0 mb_win 0.02 0.02 dr_win -1.0E-6 0.5E-6 if scan 288-210210 sb_win .37 .37 if scan > 289-132510 skip true if baseline K? and not scan 250-120000 to 251-235959 switched scan_start period 30 gates abcfgh 0 30 0 10 15 25 0 10 15 25 0 30 * End of sample control file SELECTOR KEYWORDS VALUES station 1 character baseline 2 characters source string of 1-8 chars f_group 1 character scan UT-epoch (special format), or: < UT-epoch > UT-epoch UT-epoch1 to UT-epoch2 (inclusive time range) SYNTACTIC KEYWORDS if else (NYI) and or not () (NYI) <> to ? ACTION KEYWORDS VALUES adhoc_amp float adhoc_file string adhoc_file_chans string adhoc_period float adhoc_phase 'sinewave', 'polynomial', or 'file' adhoc_poly <7 floats/integers (mixture OK) adhoc_tref float dc_block `true' or `false' (default: false) dec_offset float delay_offs n char string, followed by n floats dr_win 2 floats fmatch_bw_pct float freqs n chars gates n char string, followed by 2n floats index n ints interpolator 'iterate' or 'simul' (default: iterate) ionosphere float ion_npts int ion_win 2 floats lsb_offset float max_parity float mb_win 2 floats optimize_closure 'true' or 'false' (default: false) passband 2 floats period int pc_amp_hcode float pc_delay_l float pc_delay_r float pc_phases n char string, followed by n floats pc_phases_l n char string, followed by n floats pc_phases_r n char string, followed by n floats pc_freqs n char string, followed by n floats pc_mode `normal', `ap_by_ap', `manual', or 'multitone' pc_period int pc_tonemask n char string, followed by n floats ra_offset float ref_freq float samplers int, followed by up to 8 strings sb_win 2 floats skip `true' or `false' start integer station_delay float stop integer switched `scan_start' or `each_minute' t_cohere float use_samples `true' or `false' weak_channel float x_crc `keep' or `discard' x_slip_sync `keep', `discard', or an integer y_crc `keep' or `discard' y_slip_sync `keep', `discard', or an integer KEYWORD SEMANTICS **scan selection** skip if this is set to true in the body of an if_block, then any scans matching the if conditions will be skipped. Note: as of 99.2.19 fourfit will not properly skip data if f_group is specified. **filtering** determines whether or not each AP is accepted max_parity maximum allowable fraction of bytes in error x_slip_sync maximum # of frames w/ re-sync in reference station y_slip_sync " " " " " " " remote " x_crc either keep or discard AP if reference time has CRC error y_crc " " " " " " remote " " " " freqs controls which frequency channels get included in the fit. The letters a-p correspond to the order that the frequencies appear in the root file (assuming 16 channels). With no suffix, DSB is implied, if both sidebands are present. A plus suffix denotes USB, a minus is used for LSB. After 26 channels, the uppercase alphabet is used, then 10 digits, finally '$' and '%' (i.e. 64 channels). index alternate method used to select data channels, based on the original corel index number. Not as well supported as freqs, and is current being phased out. start start time for data to be included. stop stop " " " " " " Arguments of start and stop are integers with an optional minus sign. A positive integer is interpreted as an absolute time in seconds past the hour (of the scan start time). When a minus sign precedes the start time it is considered to be a time relative to, and later than, the scheduled scan start. Similarly, a negative stop time precedes the scheduled scan stop time, by the indicated number of seconds. switched turns on (frequency) switched mode, which discards some AP's and keeps others, depending on a gating waveform period period in seconds of the gating waveform gates for each freq. channel, the starting delay and duration, in seconds, of the gating waveform passband lower and upper bounds (in MHz) of the spectral passband of data to be accepted, specified as RF frequencies. If the lower bound is greater than the upper bound, the range wraps around -- allowing a band in the middle to be excluded. dc_block if set to true, zero out lowest cross-power spectral channel; useful for suppressing DC bias **search** control the fringe-searching process sb_win single band delay search window bounds, in us mb_win multiband " " " " " "; if the upper bound (2nd number) is less than the lower bound (1st number), then fourfit performs a "wrap-around" search, in order to handle the case of a delay near to the multiband (semi-) ambiguity. dr_win delay_rate search window bounds, in us/s ion_npts number of evaluation points in ionospheric coarse search ion_win ionospheric coarse search window in TEC units ra_offset apply right asc.offset (asec) to re-center search windows dec_offset " declination " (asec) " " " " interpolator selects method of fit interpolation. Classically, an iterative search has been done over sbd, mbd, drate, one dimension at a time, for 3 cycles. The simultaneous mode constructs a 5x5x5 cube of data points and does a 3D quintic interpolation. **corrections** apply corrections to the data, either before or after fit pc_mode specify phase_cal mode: - normal (model linear in time is extracted from the data) - manual (specified totally by the user) - ap_by_ap (phase cal is extracted independently for each AP) DEPRECATED: use normal or manual with pc_period 1 or more - multitone (all tones in band are coherently fit, and phase is extrapolated to the center of the band). pc_phases phase_cal phases in deg, for each of the listed freq channels; these offset phases are added to the underlying model, as specified by pc_mode, above. If 2 polarizations are present, the same values are applied to both pols. pc_phases_l specified in same manner as pc_phases, but the tone phases so specified are applied only to the first pol (L, X, or H) pc_phases_r specified in same manner as pc_phases, but the tone phases so specified are applied only to the second pol (R, Y, or V) pc_freqs phase cal tone frequencies in KHz, for each of the listed freq channels iff not in range -64..64. Inside of this range, the value is interpreted as a tone #, with 1 being the 1st USB tone, 2 being the 2nd USB tone, etc. Negative tone #'s are used for LSB tones. pc_period in multitone mode (only), the phase can be estimated and applied over each pc_period ap's, thus removing slopes or other drifts in pcal (default is 9999) pc_tonemask - in multitone mode (only): The values for pc_tonemask form a bit-masked map of which tones to *exclude* for this frequency channel. Thus 1 excludes the lowest tone, 2 the next lower tone, 4 the 3rd lowest tone, etc. A value of 5, for example, would exclude the lowest and the 3rd lowest tones (perhaps 10 KHz and 2.01 MHz). pc_delay_l a time value in ns representing the difference between the pc_delay_r the travel time from the feed phase center to the pcal injection point, minus the the travel time from the pcal pulse generator to the injection point. It is specified separately for the two polarization senses. lsb_offset additive phase in degrees, for the LSB relative to the USB; often necessary when correlating VLBA data against Mk 3 ref_freq specifies a frequency in MHz at which the phase delay is determined (default is total LO of first frequency) adhoc_phase specify mode of ad hoc phase corrections. No corrections are made if this isn't present, or is set to false. adhoc_period For ad hoc sinewave model; the period in integer seconds. adhoc_amp " " " " " amplitude in degrees of phase. adhoc_tref For both ad hoc phase models; the reference time in seconds past the most recent hour. adhoc_poly For the ad hoc phase polynomial model; From 1-6 coefficients describing a power-series model in time. (deg/sec^n) adhoc_file Name of the file containing phases in the ad hoc file mode. adhoc_file_chans String of channel labels for phases (columns) in the ad hoc file. use_samples If true, use the sampler statistics (aka state counts) to normalize the raw correlation sums to the equivalent analog correlation. ionosphere specified per station, in TEC (10^16/m^2) units t_cohere coherence time used in fringe fit (default is infinite) delay_offs delay offsets (ns) to be applied to each of the listed freq channels. This correction is made prefit, similar to pcal. samplers the number of samplers, followed by the freq channel identifiers of channels that share a common sampler are grouped together in strings. In multitone mode only, the averaged tone-derived differential delays are applied to all channels sharing a sampler. optimize_closure modifies fine fringe search so as to minimize the contribution of non-closing delay errors to the closure phase; can result in poorer single-baseline fits station_delay a priori guess at the delay from the pcal injection point down to the digitizers (ns). ** miscellaneous functions fmatch_bw_pct associate freqs < this percentage of bw together (25% default) pc_amp_hcode generate an H code iff any pcal amps less than this (0.005 default) weak_channel the ratio of single_channel_amp to coherent_sum_amp below which a G code is assigned to the scan (0.5 default) SPECIAL KEYWORD VALUES ? wild card character keep 32767 discard 0 true 1 false 0 SPECIAL FORMATS UT-epochs: UT-epochs are expressed in the format ddd-hhmmss, where all 10 characters are necessary, including leading 0's if appropriate. This format will match that of a scan directory, if the UT-epoch that is being specified is an actual scan time. GENERAL GUIDELINES 1) White space is ignored; i.e., multiple spaces and line feeds all collapse to a single space. 2) Multiple commands per line are fine. 3) Comments: anything from an asterisk through the end of the line is ignored. 4) Nested ifs are not allowed (or necessary). Nested parentheses in an if condition are fine (NYI). As of 94.1.16, parentheses are not supported. The logical operators, in decreasing order of precedence are (not, and, or). 5) Wildcard "?" matches any single character for f_group, station, or baseline, any string (of up to 8 characters) for source, and any time-value for scan. 6) Phase cal and delay offsets are treated station by station. 7) Only freqs that are chosen for both stations in a baseline are present in the fit. 8) If multiple if-blocks match a particular passes' choice of baseline, f_group, source, and scan criteria, then the later values assigned to each parameter overwrite the earlier ones.