Frank David Lind
Research Engineer My research focuses on radio science, advanced radar and radio arrays, space plasma physics, software radar, novel sensors and signal processing, and satellite instrumentation.I was born near Portland, Oregon. After attending high school in Seattle, I studied at the University of Washington, where I received a Bachelor of Science degree in Physics and a Bachelor of Science degree in Computer Science in 1994. I then joined the UW Geophysics Program and pursued studies leading to the Doctor of Philosophy in Geophysics in 1999. My work there focused on passive radar observations of the aurora borealis. Currently I am a Research Engineer at MIT Haystack Observatory, where I develop and operate ground- and space-based radio science instrumentation.

AERO-VISTA CubeSat mission
A NASA twin CubeSat mission for auroral radio science and space interferometry technology.

RAPID: Radio Array of Portable Interferometric Detectors
Advanced radio array designed for geospace and astronomy. The system implements a sparse and spatially diverse radio array technology to enable a wide range of scientific experiments.
Initial Observations of Starlink Satellites Using the Westford Radio Telescope. IEEE DySPAN 2024. (2024).