SRT Memo Series

Small Radio Telescope (SRT)

Small radio telescope (SRT)
Small radio telescope (SRT)

The Small Radio Telescope (SRT) was developed by Dr. Alan Rogers at Haystack Observatory to serve as an educational tool for universities and colleges for teaching astronomy and radio technology.

Development of a new-design SRT was undertaken by Haystack in summer 2012.

If you decide to build an SRT, we recommend using the TV dongle version of the “New SRT” using the parts list given at the bottom of the main SRT page.

Small Radio Telescope (SRT) Memos

001Description of phase 1 SRT – DRAFTA.E.E. Rogers19990316
002Pointing corrections due to azimuth axis tilt and lack of orthogonality of elevation axisA.E.E. Rogers19990309
003SRT focusA.E.E. Rogers, L. Kimball19990722
004Feed support blockage on SRTA.E.E. Rogers, L. Kimball19990720
005Position switching on the moon and other weak continuum sourcesA.E.E. Rogers19990726
006Measurement of Galactic rotation curve using 21-cm hydrogen emissionA.E.E. Rogers, L. Kimball19990810
007Example of position switching measurements of Casseopeia A and the moonA.E.E. Rogers19990802
008Spectral line calibration regionsA.E.E. Rogers19990802
009SRT Digital receiverW. Aldrich20000727
010SRT receiver testsA.E.E. Rogers, L. Kimball19990810
011Measurement of Galactic Rotation CurveA.E.E. Rogers, L. Kimball20011130
012SRT receiver communication protocolA.E.E. Rogers20010629
013Calculation of the Gray Chip filter responseA.E.E. Rogers20010809
014Preliminary single dish performance of new SRTA.E.E. Rogers20040901
015GrayChip configuration settingsA.E.E. Rogers20041201
016SRT VLBI data formatA.E.E. Rogers20050228
017Catalog and command file keywordsA.E.E. Rogers20050613
018Interferometer geometry calculationsA.E.E. Rogers20050613
019VLBI data correlationA.E.E. Rogers20050613
020VLBI data signal analysisA.E.E. Rogers20050715
021Modelling Sun’s radio image using closure phaseA.E.E. Rogers20060620
022Firmware and software changes to support fractional counts from the motor drivesA.E.E. Rogers20060626
023Modeling the Solar Limb Brightening at 21 cm Using Amplitude and Closure Phase Measurements from a 3-Element Interferometer.J. Oiler, A.E.E. Rogers20070907
024Reducing emissions from the SRTA.E.E. Rogers20080922
025Block diagram and parts list for SRT using TV dongleA.E.E. Rogers20160630
026SRT observations of the 2017 solar eclipseA.E.E. Rogers20160907
027Low cost Small Radio TelescopeJ. Campbell, A.E.E. Rogers20180813