EDGES Memo Series

EDGES: Experiment to Detect the Global EoR Signature

EDGES ground-based radio spectrometer, CSIRO’s Murchison Radio-astronomy Observatory in Western Australia.
EDGES ground-based radio spectrometer, CSIRO’s Murchison Radio-astronomy Observatory in Western Australia.

EDGES is a collaboration between Arizona State University and MIT Haystack Observatory, funded by the National Science Foundation (NSF). It is located at the Murchison Radio-astronomy Observatory (MRO) in a radio-quiet zone in western Australia, with onsite infrastructure support provided by Australia’s CSIRO

The EDGES project’s goal is radio detection of hydrogen signatures from the historical period in the formation of the universe known as the Epoch of Reionization (EoR), soon after the formation of the first stars and galaxies.


See also the ASU EDGES memo series.

001Proposed filter for detection of EOR spectral rampA.E.E. Rogers20051220
002Estimate of systematic errors in search for EOR global stepA.E.E. Rogers20061004
003Development of sensitive compact RFI/EOR monitorA.E.E. Rogers20061004
004RFI avoidance by lowering the antennaA.E.E. Rogers20061101
005Effect of the frequency of the beam patterns on EOR signatureA.E.E. Rogers20061204
006Tests of active antenna for RFI monitorA.E.E. Rogers20061301
007Dipole beam change with frequencyA.E.E. Rogers20060203
008Active antenna for spectrum monitor and EORA.E.E. Rogers20060203
009Model of active antenna noiseA.E.E. Rogers20060207
010Absolute calibration of an active antennaA.E.E. Rogers20060214
011Absolute calibration of an active antennaA.E.E. Rogers20060302
012RFI Scout Trip to California and NevadaJ.D. Bowman20060628
013VSWR Measurements of four-point dipole antenna for EDGESJ.D. Bowman20060629
014EDGES and AC240 RFI monitor parametersA.E.E. Rogers20060717
015Correction antenna temperature for cable attenuation and antenna mismatchA.E.E. Rogers20060725
016Improved input match for low frequency LNAA.E.E. Rogers20060807
017Absolute sky calibration using EDGESA.E.E. Rogers20060817
018Noise and error sources in 3 position switchingA.E.E. Rogers20060828
019EDGES Sensitivity to Galactic Radio Recombination LinesJ.D. Bowman20060906
020Comparison of Galactic Noise at Potential EDGES SitesJ.D. Bowman20060906
021Evaluation of EDGES at West Forks, MaineA.E.E. Rogers20060908
022Estimate of ripple due to common mode reflections on cable to LNA.A.E.E. Rogers20061102
023Using EDGES spectrometer to measure the antenna reflection coefficientA.E.E. Rogers20061121
024EDGES data analysisA.E.E. Rogers20061218
025Deployment of EDGES at Mileura Station, Western AustraliaA.E.E. Rogers, J.D. Bowman20061218
027Defects in ADCs evident in long integrationsA.E.E. Rogers20070205
028Satellite signals in the 100 to 200 MHz bandA.E.E. Rogers20070205
029New inexpensive approach to EDGES and SRT spectrometersA.E.E. Rogers20020413
030Tests of MWA LNAsA.E.E. Rogers20070601
031Measurements of MWA antenna impedanceA.E.E. Rogers20070601
032MWA active antenna noise simulationsA.E.E. Rogers20070604
033Tests of MWA antenna modificationA.E.E. Rogers20070604
034Local oscillator frequency cyclingA.E.E. Rogers20070809
035Some notes on various switching schemesA.E.E. Rogers20070912
036Expected performance of a narrowband “frequency cycled” system.A.E.E. Rogers20070918
037Arrays with MWAS and modified MWA AntennasA.E.E. Rogers20071212
038Comparison of the MWA bowtie, shortwide and shortwide with stubs.A.E.E. Rogers20080205
039Tests of the global neutral hydrogen signature in the 60-150 MHz bandA.E.E. Rogers20080609
040Methods of smoothing spectraA.E.E. Rogers20080710
041Effects of digitizer non linearityA.E.E. Rogers20081028
042EDGES system using direct sampling 12-bit ADCA.E.E. Rogers20091007
043Balun with improved balanceA.E.E. Rogers20111011
044Tests of EDGES DP310 12-bit ADC at Forks, MaineA.E.E. Rogers20091106
045Deployment of EDGES prototype system at Murchison Radio-astronomy Observatory, Boolardy Station, Western AustraliaJ.D. Bowman20090318
046Theoretical noise for 3-position switching using Acqiris DP310A.E.E. Rogers20090511
047Further analysis of 2009 EDGES data from BoolardyA.E.E. Rogers20090514
048Using Galactic noise variation to extract EoR signatures (Revised)A.E.E. Rogers20090727
049Model of the level of systematics in DP310A.E.E. Rogers20090727
050LNA Noise CorrelationA.E.E. Rogers20090903
051Tests of AC240 spectrometer using out of band added noiseA.E.E. Rogers20091021
052Measurements of the spectrum from 80 to 200 MHz in the Catlow Valley OregonA.E.E. Rogers, J.D. Bowman20091104
053Path loss needed to meet ITU RA769-1A.E.E. Rogers20091119
054Meteor scatter ratesA.E.E. Rogers20091201
055More on using Galactic noise for calibrationA.E.E. Rogers20091215
056Current limits of EDGES performance using DP310A.E.E. Rogers, J.D. Bowman20101008
057Simulations of EoR signature detectionA.E.E. Rogers20101012
058RFI Statistics at BoolardyA.E.E. Rogers20101207
059Tests of long integration using AC240A.E.E. Rogers20100312
060Extending spectrometer frequency rangeA.E.E. Rogers20100608
061Simulations of EoR with different fitting parametersA.E.E. Rogers20100714
062EDGES LNA OptimizationA.E.E. Rogers20100920
063Simulation of performance with LNA calibrationA.E.E. Rogers20101006
064Model fitting functionsA.E.E. Rogers20101006
065Preliminary results of modeling EDGESA.E.E. Rogers20101027
066Extending the EDGES frequency range to cover 40 to 190 MHzA.E.E. Rogers20101221
067Additional systematics in EDGES electronicsA.E.E. Rogers20111206
068Noise Diode TestsA.E.E. Rogers20110316
069Optimization of EDGES Fourpoint antenna using FEKOA.E.E. Rogers20110503
070Effect of attenuation the sensitivity of EDGES to antenna matchA.E.E. Rogers20110525
071Effect of antenna beam pattern on the detectability of EoRA.E.E. Rogers20120329
072Balun model and measurementsA.E.E. Rogers, D.Cele20110711
073Updated: Spectral flatness of HP346C noise sourceA.E.E. Rogers, D.Cele20120716
074Sensitivity of antenna impedance to environment changeA.E.E. Rogers, D.Cele20110711
075Tests of EDGES calibration at West Forks MaineA.E.E. Rogers, D.Cele20110727
076Noise wave analysis using reflection coefficients referenced to 50 ohmsA.E.E. Rogers20110727
077Calibration sensitivity to LNA and antenna parameter errorsA.E.E. Rogers20110811
078Noise model for balun, antenna loss and ground pickupA.E.E. Rogers20110811
079Temperature contribution of ionosphere to the sky noise spectrumA.E.E. Rogers20110830
080Absolute calibration of sky noise spectrum using a wideband antennaA.E.E. Rogers20110912
081Initial Lab tests of absolute calibrationA.E.E. Rogers20111206
082A laboratory test of the absolute calibration using an antenna simulatorA.E.E. Rogers20111220
083Low loss torodial air core balunA.E.E. Rogers20121301
084Tests of VNA accuracyA.E.E. Rogers20120207
085Tests of EDGES calibrationA.E.E. Rogers20120221
086Methods for improved calibration of VNAA.E.E. Rogers20120329
087The Roberts balunA.E.E. Rogers20120423
088Effect of ground plane size on ground lossA.E.E. Rogers20140905
089Tests of prototype Fourpoint antenna with modified Roberts balunA.E.E. Rogers20120802
090Additional calibration steps for improving VNA accuracyA.E.E. Rogers20120807
091Simulation of EDGES.2 systematic errorA.E.E. Rogers20120816
092EDGES Temperature monitorA.E.E. Rogers20120820
093Calibration and temperature corrections for high accuracy VNA measurementsA.E.E. Rogers20120912
094Set of basis functions needed to account for EDGES systematicsA.E.E. Rogers20120823
095Updated:EDGES antenna design notesA.E.E. Rogers20121210
096Summary of EDGES-2 calibration and processingA.E.E. Rogers20120919
097Test of absolute accuracy of N5222A VNAA.E.E. Rogers20120919
098Estimate of EDGES-2 Antenna lossA.E.E. Rogers20131007
099Preliminary estimates of EDGES-2 error sources.A.E.E. Rogers20120927
100Estimate of the Spectral flatness of a hot filament source.A.E.E. Rogers20121106
101Simulation of the removal of the foreground and ionosphereA.E.E. Rogers20121206
102EDGES LNA ImprovementsA.E.E. Rogers20121218
103Stability measurements of VNA, coaxial cable, and antenna with Roberts balunRaul Monsalve20121213
104EDGES-2 Laboratory tests of absolute calibrationA.E.E. Rogers20131104
105Simulations of attenuation and delay between 3-position switch and LNAA.E.E. Rogers20131203
106Options and error estimates for EDGES-2 deploymentA.E.E. Rogers20131301
107Sensitivity of EDGES Antenna Propotype to Different PerturbationsRaul Monsalve20130305
108Proposed EDGES2 installationA.E.E. Rogers20130305
109Some tests of cable stability for S11 measurementsA.E.E. Rogers20130326
110Effect of moving the reference pointA.E.E. Rogers20130328
111Tests of the phase and impedance stability of LDF2-50A heliax cableA.E.E. Rogers20130409
112Using EDGES to correct changes in antenna refA.E.E. Rogers20130422
113Updated: Summary EDGES processing softwareA.E.E. Rogers20150407
114Measurements of VNA noise and simulations of their effect on EoR estimationA.E.E. Rogers20130501
115Effect of a cable impedance deviation in loss estimateA.E.E. Rogers20130604
116Characteristics and stability of EDGES electronicsA.E.E. Rogers20171300
117Noise analysis of an imperfect attenuatorA.E.E. Rogers20130617
118Simulations of the removal of the foreground, ionosphere and frequency dependence of the beamA.E.E. Rogers20130708
119Thermal Control of EDGES front-end boxA.E.E. Rogers20130702
120Comparative tests of EDGES-2 electronicsA.E.E. Rogers20130711
121Lab tests with long integrationsA.E.E. Rogers20130723
122Effect of VNA phase errorsA.E.E. Rogers20130807
123Thermal control for above ground LNA boxA.E.E. Rogers20130909
124Effect of Error in the VNA Calibration Standards, on Measured Reflection CoeffientRaul Monsalve20130905
125The dependence the Roberts balun loss on antenna reflection phaseA.E.E. Rogers20130923
126Updated: Bench tests of cable loss between antenna and LNAA.E.E. Rogers20131028
127An examination of potential improvementsA.E.E. Rogers20131017
128Simple model for the temperature coefficient EDGES antenna S11A.E.E. Rogers20131210
129Sensitivities of EDGES-2 to instrumental errorA.E.E. Rogers20131216
130Cross-check of HP85047A/8753C VNA accuracyA.E.E. Rogers20131218
131Estimation of VNA accuracy for measurements antenna S11A.E.E. Rogers20141006
132Measurement of cable loss between LNA and antenna.A.E.E. Rogers20141006
133Checks of SOL calibration standardsA.E.E. Rogers20141202
134Measurement of the loss of SOL standardsA.E.E. Rogers20141209
135Checks of VNA linearityA.E.E. Rogers20140207
136EDGES2 error budgetA.E.E. Rogers20140207
137Iterative RFI ExcisionA.E.E. Rogers20140306
138EZNEC tests for ground plane and box cover resonancesA.E.E. Rogers20140318
139Additive and multiplicative terms in foreground, ionosphere and antenna loss.A.E.E. Rogers20140320
140Effect of antenna resonances on beam pattern.A.E.E. Rogers20140414
141Spectral effects of LNA box on antenna beam.A.E.E. Rogers20140429
142Low order fits to the effect of antenna beam change.A.E.E. Rogers20140506
143Weighted electron temperature in ionosphere from EDGES-2 data.A.E.E. Rogers20140602
144Characterization of RFI at the UNR Gund RanchR. Monsalve, T. Mozdzen20140731
145Using Galactic noise variation to extract EoR revisited.A.E.E. Rogers20150519
146Altitude dependent ionospheric absorption and electron temperatureJ. Vierinen20140916
147Laboratory tests of air circulation coolingA.E.E. Rogers20140919
148Measurements of EDGES-2 high band balun lossA.E.E. Rogers20141007
149Preliminary results from 2014 deploymentA.E.E. Rogers20141105
150EDGES Antenna Beamshift ResonanceA.E.E. Rogers20141118
151Frequency dependence of the EDGES antenna beamA.E.E. Rogers20141201
152Comparison of Blade antenna for EDGESA.E.E. Rogers20141210
153Changes to EDGES antenna to minimize frequency dependence of beamA.E.E. Rogers20141218
154Measurements of blade antenna prototypeA.E.E. Rogers20150608
155Simulation of limits imposed by frequency structure in antenna beamA.E.E. Rogers20151006
156EDGES2 error budget updateA.E.E. Rogers20151104
157Tests of balun loss using active cold loadA.E.E. Rogers20151209
158Study of feature at 115 MHzA.E.E. Rogers20150210
159Estimates of the flux and spectral index of the quiet SunA.E.E. Rogers20150218
160Preliminary results for January 2015 deploymentA.E.E. Rogers20150303
161Estimated effect of moisture on EDGES antennaA.E.E. Rogers20150304
162Proposed design of low band antennaA.E.E. Rogers20150310
163General trends in antenna design for constant beamA.E.E. Rogers20150324
164Improving the LNA performanceA.E.E. Rogers20150414
165Minor adjustments to LNA for improved S11 below 100 MHzA.E.E. Rogers20150421
166Tests of low band antenna at HaystackA.E.E. Rogers20150421
167Preliminary results for the period 18 April to 5 May 2015A.E.E. Rogers20150513
168FEKO tests of slot resonancesA.E.E. Rogers20150520
169Limits of EoR signature detection imposed by systematicsA.E.E. Rogers20150602
170Limits set by the foreground due to frequency dependence of the beamA.E.E. Rogers20150716
171High band results using Blade antennaA.E.E. Rogers20150903
172Comparison of two methods for Galaxy calibrationA.E.E. Rogers20150914
173Excision of weak broadband RFI SignalsA.E.E. Rogers20150921
174EDGES NoiseA.E.E. Rogers20150921
175Simulations of error sources for EDGES-2 blade antennaA.E.E. Rogers20151007
176Checks and cross-checks of EDGES calibrationA.E.E. Rogers20151102
177High and low band comparisonsA.E.E. Rogers20151104
178Simulations of moisture on blade antennaA.E.E. Rogers20151117
179Estimate of the effect of the Earth ground under the ground planeA.E.E. Rogers20160321
180Simulations of the sensitivity to errors in balun loss parametersA.E.E. Rogers20151124
181Model of low frequency balun compared with lab measurements of S11A.E.E. Rogers20151210
182EDGES-2 error budget update #2A.E.E. Rogers20151216
183Spectral Structure at the Low end of Low BandA.E.E. Rogers20161004
184Beam effects of finite ground planeA.E.E. Rogers20161004
185More tests of the effects of finite ground planeA.E.E. Rogers20161102
186Contribution of the ground plane to antenna beam chromaticityA.E.E. Rogers20161200
187Comparison of frequency structure in beam and loss from simulations and EDGES dataA.E.E. Rogers20160210
188Comparison of high and low band data with beam effects computed with infinite and finite ground plane.A.E.E. Rogers20160222
189Sensitivity of the frequency dependence of beam to ground plane parameters.A.E.E. Rogers20160229
190Physical functions vs polynomial.A.E.E. Rogers20160309
191Preliminary estimate of the effect of foreground polarization.A.E.E. Rogers20160317
192Tests of the sensitivity of low band to systematics.A.E.E. Rogers20160328
193Estimate of temperature gradient in EDGES receiver enclosure.A.E.E. Rogers20160428
194Simulations of the effect of the electronics hut on the low band data.A.E.E. Rogers20160405
195Comparison of fine structure in the high and low band spectra.A.E.E. Rogers20160411
196Feature at 84 MHz.A.E.E. Rogers20161028
197Low band balun tube and Airline as a candidates for external validation of VNA Calibration.A.E.E. Rogers20160420
198Simulations of averaging beam effects over local sidreal time and antenna orientation.A.E.E. Rogers20160505
199Artificial Antenna Simulator.A.E.E. Rogers20180709
200Spectral index from high and low band.A.E.E. Rogers20160511
201Effects of different ground plane models on low band results.A.E.E. Rogers20160518
202Tests of Galaxy calibration using low and high band data.A.E.E. Rogers20160531
203Dependence of the low band spectra on the Galactic center Hour Angle (GHA).A.E.E. Rogers20160627
204Proposed low band ground plane design.A.E.E. Rogers20160615
205Tests of super hydrophobic coatings for dew reduction on blade antenna.A.E.E. Rogers20160627
206Effect of ground plane model parameters.A.E.E. Rogers20160711
207Sensitivity to ground plane defects.A.E.E. Rogers20160720
208Evidence of possible resonance at 70 MHz in the low band data.A.E.E. Rogers20160726
209Theoretical approximations for a slot antenna resonance.A.E.E. Rogers20200330
210Second low band antenna and balun tests.A.E.E. Rogers20170711
211Tests of fitting, filtering and averaging schemes.A.E.E. Rogers20160818
212EDGES-2 low band error budget.A.E.E. Rogers20160830
213RFI in low band.A.E.E. Rogers20160913
214First dat from extended ground plane.A.E.E. Rogers20161004
215Tests of Galaxy calibration using low band data from extended ground planeA.E.E. Rogers20161018
216Low band balun with slightly lower loss.A.E.E. Rogers20161018
217Sensitivity of spectral residuals with 3 parameters removed to systematics.A.E.E. Rogers20161027
218Further improvements and tests of the LNA.A.E.E. Rogers20161107
219Results of measurements of an artificial antenna noise source.A.E.E. Rogers20161114
22021-cm absorption signatue for large optical depth.A.E.E. Rogers20161129
221Optical depth calculationA.E.E. Rogers20161202
222Tests of the effect of systematics in the search for absorption signature in low band dataA.E.E. Rogers20161219
223Tests of the levels of Lyman alpha which lead to a flattened absorption profileA.E.E. Rogers20161227
224Simulations of the reduction of beam effects by averaging over GHAA.E.E. Rogers20161227
225Amplitude of absorption signature vs Galactic Center hour angleA.E.E. Rogers20161229
226Tests of variations of absorption signature shapeA.E.E. Rogers20171004
227Tests of the effects of RFI from 50 to 100 MHz.A.E.E. Rogers20171100
228Tests of EDGES spectrometer using a noise source based on antenna simulator.A.E.E. Rogers20171102
229Ionospheric absorption from low band data.A.E.E. Rogers20171203
2303-position switch noise bias.A.E.E. Rogers20171301
231Tests of the FEKO beam accuracyA.E.E. Rogers20170214
232Recalibration of high band receiverA.E.E. Rogers20170215
233Simulations of the effects of systematics on a specific absorption signatureA.E.E. Rogers20170215
234Suggested improved orientation for second low band ground plane.A.E.E. Rogers20170221
235Minor changes to increase EDGES accuracy.A.E.E. Rogers20170223
236Comparison of the effect of systematics in 4 and 5 term search for absorption in low band data.A.E.E. Rogers20170228
237Sensitivity of absorption signature search to LNA S11 error.A.E.E. Rogers20170308
238Tests of LNA input S11 and switch contact resistance.A.E.E. Rogers20170313
239Sensitivity of absorption signature search on ground plane loss.A.E.E. Rogers20170313
240Low band signature search using only Galaxy up data.A.E.E. Rogers20170315
241Simulations of rensonances in balun shield.A.E.E. Rogers20170328
242Sensitivity of calibration to integration time.A.E.E. Rogers20170328
243Detection of changes in receiver calibration.A.E.E. Rogers20170411
244Sensitivity of the lowband signature to RFI excision parameters.A.E.E. Rogers20170426
245Summary of lowband results and tests.A.E.E. Rogers20170428
246Sensitivity of the variation of the signature amplitude with GHA to systematics.A.E.E. Rogers20170508
247Galaxy calibration of low band data.A.E.E. Rogers20170508
248Comparison of beam models.A.E.E. Rogers20170510
249Ranking of systematics in signature search.A.E.E. Rogers20170515
250RFI excision of FM signals.A.E.E. Rogers20170516
251Simulations of signature detection with small ground plane.A.E.E. Rogers20170525
252Simulations of signature search with different number of added function.A.E.E. Rogers20170606
253Lowband1 2017 calibration differences.A.E.E. Rogers20170612
254Simulations of the effects of systematics on signature detection.A.E.E. Rogers20170620
255Effects of temperature on internal loads in automated antenna S11 measurements.A.E.E. Rogers20170627
256Effect of using receiver calibrations made at different temperatures.A.E.E. Rogers20170718
257Effects of beam correction, loss and calibration on lowband1 data.A.E.E. Rogers20170718
258Lowband ground loss for extended ground plane from FEKO with soil dielectric.A.E.E. Rogers20200330
259Tests of the changes in signature with local time, and temperature and humidity.A.E.E. Rogers20170724
260Lowband1 and Lowband2 signature search using lowband2 receiver calibrations at 15 and 35 C.A.E.E. Rogers20171121
261The effect of galactic recombination lines on the signature.A.E.E. Rogers20170724
262Effect of errors in the assumed S11 of calibration SOL on signature amplitude via antenna S11 error.A.E.E. Rogers20170804
263Beam chromaticity and ground loss vs ground plane size.A.E.E. Rogers20170804
264Automated S11 measurement system calibration.A.E.E. Rogers20170814
265Foreground and beam chromaticity contribution to lowband spectra.A.E.E. Rogers20170911
266Optimization of a mid band antenna.A.E.E. Rogers20170911
267Tests of mid band antenna.A.E.E. Rogers20171116
268Cancellation of 3-position switch noise bias.A.E.E. Rogers20171121
269Initial tests of silicon dioxide cable box.A.E.E. Rogers20171204
270Tests of the midband balun and connector loss.A.E.E. Rogers20171218
271Changes of the ranking of systematics with bandwidth.A.E.E. Rogers20181101
272Estimates of signature confidence for lowband data using delta Chi-squared boundaries.A.E.E. Rogers20181203
273Modeling of midland balun loss.A.E.E. Rogers20180206
274Evidence for intermittent antenna S11 for lowband2 data.A.E.E. Rogers20200424
275Results from the EDGES-1 antenna which is electrically small at low band.A.E.E. Rogers20180327
276Midband results from 2017_329 to 2018_043.A.E.E. Rogers20180404
277Limitations of the MOM in calculating the antenna beam using Green’s functions for lossy ground.A.E.E. Rogers20180410
278Absorption profile fitting tests on data release.A.E.E. Rogers20180419
279Estimate of the chromaticity of the foreground reflected from the lunar surface.A.E.E. Rogers20180709
280Beam chromaticity and ground loss for lowband on 5×5 m ground plane.A.E.E. Rogers20180621
281Midband results using recalibrated receiver 1 from 2018_146 to 2018_174..A.E.E. Rogers20180626
282Results of field measurements of noise source antenna simulator.A.E.E. Rogers20180717
283Simulations of resonances in lowband ground plane due to poor connectivity.A.E.E. Rogers20180806
284Mechanism for interconnection resonances.A.E.E. Rogers20180814
285Preliminary results from lowband antenna on highband ground plane.A.E.E. Rogers20180828
286Weighted least squares signature using low and midband data.A.E.E. Rogers20210614
287Signature search for midband and lowband2 vs GHA.A.E.E. Rogers20180905
288Comparison of vertical and horizontal antennas on soil ground.A.E.E. Rogers20180925
289Considerations for placing the electronics on the antenna.A.E.E. Rogers20181017
290Comparison of ground loss from LOW3 data with FEKO model.A.E.E. Rogers20181025
291FEKO simulations for EDGES-3 box blade antenna.A.E.E. Rogers20181119
292Comparison of different EDGES antennas.A.E.E. Rogers20181127
293Update on aspects of the EDGES-3 antenna and electronics design.A.E.E. Rogers20181203
294Simulations of EDGES-3 chromaticity and ground loss for potential deployment in Oregon.A.E.E. Rogers20191002
295Simulations of chromaticity effects of non-uniform soil.A.E.E. Rogers20191003
296Reconnaissance of Skull Creek Reservoir area located in Catlow Valley, Oregon.Mark Derome20191301
297Sensitivity of the beam chromaticity midband antenna on large ground planeA.E.E. Rogers20190304
298Simulations of EDGES-3 antenna and wire grid ground planeA.E.E. Rogers20190307
299Estimates of isolation requirements for EDGES-3 electronicsA.E.E. Rogers20190514
300Details of EDGES-3 prototypeA.E.E. Rogers20190828
301Study of RFI generated by EDGES-3A.E.E. Rogers20190610
302Initial Test of EDGES-3 antenna S11A.E.E. Rogers20190708
303Simulations of the effects of EDGES-3 S11 correctionsA.E.E. Rogers20190708
304EDGES-3 Thermal TestsA.E.E. Rogers20190711
305Test of EDGES-3 using antenna simulatorA.E.E. Rogers20190716
306EDGES-3 Test observations at West Forks MaineA.E.E. Rogers et al.20190729
307Tests of the effects of strong RFIA.E.E. Rogers et al.20190703
308Ground Plane Analysis for EDGES-3 Test Deployment in OregonEthan Bair, A.E.E. Rogers20190827
309Shielding factor from non-uniform groundA.E.E. Rogers20190904
310EDGES-3 test deployment at Skull Creek, OregonA.E.E. Rogers et al.20190927
311Estimate of meteor scatter rates and filter thresholdsA.E.E. Rogers20191017
312Proposed air circulation system for EDGES-3A.E.E. Rogers20191025
313Optimization of EDGES-3 antennaA.E.E. Rogers20191104
314Proposed air circulation for EDGES-3 at the MROA.E.E. Rogers20191112
315Comparison of EDGES-3 on different ground planesA.E.E. Rogers20191120
316Estimate of ground plane mesh and antenna lossA.E.E. Rogers20191126
317Comparison of square circular and perforated ground planesA.E.E. Rogers20191211
318Effects of adjacent ground planes and antennasA.E.E. Rogers20201002
319Simulations of the sensitivity of systematic errors in VNA S11 measurements to LNA parametersA.E.E. Rogers20201006
320Estimates of RFI emissions from EDGES-3A.E.E. Rogers20201006
321Test of 100 ps error in VNA calibration measurementA.E.E. Rogers20201106
322Sensitivity simulations of EDGES-3 to VNA measurement errorsA.E.E. Rogers20201202
323Improvement in bandwidth of EDGES-3 chromaticity using a cone under the antennaA.E.E. Rogers20200211
324Insulation cover for EDGESA.E.E. Rogers20200224
325ADC saturation by lightningA.E.E. Rogers20200330
326Boolardy Site Visit Log – February 2020J. Barrett et al.20200304
327Simulations of resistive loss in galvanized steelA.E.E. Rogers et al.20200316
328Simulations of resistive loss in galvanized mesh surrounding aluminum baseplateA.E.E. Rogers et al.20200326
329Antenna resistive loss estimatesA.E.E. Rogers20200331
330Preliminary analysis of data from Lowband 2 on large perforated ground planeA.E.E. Rogers20200409
331Tests of antenna S11 measurementsA.E.E. Rogers20200417
332Simulations of the self-detectability of error sources in EDGES-3A.E.E. Rogers20200427
333Effect of I/Q crosstalk in VNA measurementsA.E.E. Rogers20200507
334Circuit model simulation of EDGES dataA.E.E. Rogers20200514
335Noise and fine frequency structure in EDGES data and simulationsA.E.E. Rogers20200528
336Beam correction comparison tests using sky maps at 45 and 408 MHz and correction for antenna tilt.A.E.E. Rogers20200617
337Simulations of the chromaticity of the lowband antenna on an uneven ground planeA.E.E. Rogers20200701
338Additional tests of sources of beam chromaticityA.E.E. Rogers20200714
339Results of absorption search vs GHA for low1 and low2-45A.E.E. Rogers20200722
340Simulations of reflections from objects which produce fine structure in the antenna beamA.E.E. Rogers20200804
341Effects of rocks and brush southeast of low2-45A.E.E. Rogers20200831
342Modeling ferrite tiles for reducing reflections from hutA.E.E. Rogers20200915
343Simulations of the effects of ground plane and antenna tiltsA.E.E. Rogers20200930
344Evidence that EDGES lowband results are limited by scattering near transit of the Galactic centerA.E.E. Rogers20201005
345Simulations and tests of scattering effects vs Galactic Hour AngleA.E.E. Rogers20201014
346Tests of the number of terms needed to adequately model the lowband foregroundA.E.E. Rogers20201103
347Effect of temperature difference between cable and load in an antenna simulatorA.E.E. Rogers20201112
348Simulations of the effects of scattering on the shape and frequency dependence of the beamA.E.E. Rogers20201123
349The effects of refraction by the troposphere and ionosphereA.E.E. Rogers20201215
350Measurements of the galvanized ground plane mesh permeability and ground plane loss estimateA.E.E. Rogers20210105
351Testing VNA for I/Q crosstalkA.E.E. Rogers20210126
352Sensitivity of low2-45 averaged over GHA to systematicsA.E.E. Rogers20211130
353Effects of tilts and sky maps on beam correction for different antennas and ground planesA.E.E. Rogers20210212
354Tests of instrumental errors on midband data from 2018 and 2020A.E.E. Rogers20210218
355The sensitivity of midband to ground plane tilt and deviations from flatnessA.E.E. Rogers20210223
356Effects of a tilted and uneven ground plane vs Galactic Hour AngleA.E.E. Rogers20210301
357Simulations of 30x30m uneven ground plane with random panel offsetsA.E.E. Rogers20210311
358Considerations for using a small metal ground plane on soil ground plane offsetsA.E.E. Rogers20210323
359Tests of averaging over GHAA.E.E. Rogers20210427
360Formula for fractional ripple from scatteringA.E.E. Rogers20210511
361Tests of automated calibration self-checks using EDGES-3A.E.E. Rogers20210604
362Photogrammetric mapping of low2 ground planeA.E.E. Rogers20210615
363Automated tests of VNA warm-up needed for highest accuracy A.E.E. Rogers 20210623
364Study of EDGES-3 out of band noiseA.E.E. Rogers 20210722
365Thermal test results of antenna insulation P. Steen20210720
366Two tone test of EDGES-3A.E.E. Rogers20210728
367Repeatability and accuracy of EDGES-3 automated calibration A.E.E. Rogers 20210830
368Dependence of sensitivity to VNA delay error on antenna and LNA s11A.E.E. Rogers 20210920
369Tests of EDGES-3 calibration and VNA measurement accuracyA.E.E. Rogers 20210930
370FEKO simulations of ground loss for small ground planes A.E.E. Rogers 20211014
371Simulations of effects of scattering on absorption search with antenna with small groundplane A.E.E. Rogers 20211014
372Airflow test results and insulation mounting P. Steen 20211026
373Tests of EDGES-3 antenna input S-parameters A.E.E. Rogers 20211026
374Comparison of beam and lowband1 data in 2 hour LST blocks A.E.E. Rogers 20211103
375FEKO simulations of beam and loss chromaticity for lowband antenna on layered soil A.E.E. Rogers 20211109
376EDGES-3 at West Forks Maine and limits of internally generated RFIJ. Barrett, A.E.E. Rogers, K. Wilson20211109
377Possible explanations for the differences between the simulations and lowband1 at LST 13 hoursA.E.E. Rogers 20211123
378Comparison of welded mesh and meandering wire grid ground planes A.E.E. Rogers 20211207
379Simulations on the effects of trees and other scattering structures near antenna A.E.E. Rogers 20211207
380Simulations of calibration and tests of sensitivity to sources of error A.E.E. Rogers20211213
381Tests and checks of low2-45 2020_058 to 2021_195 GHA 5 to 7 hrs A.E.E. Rogers 20211216
382Simulations of EDGES-3 noise and comparison with data using antenna simulatorA.E.E. Rogers20220103
383Specifications for deployment of EDGES-3 at a new site A.E.E. Rogers 20220125
384Further optimization of wire grid ground plane
A.E.E. Rogers 20220202
385RFI monitor test A.E.E. Rogers, J. Barrett, K. Wilson20220124
386Sensitivity of beam chromaticity to antenna azimuth A.E.E. Rogers 20220207
387Haystack EDGES processing pipeline A.E.E. Rogers 20220208
388Ground plane designs for deployment of EDGES-3 in the tundraAlan E.E. Rogers20220307
389VHF Ny Alesund Radio SurveyD. Huyghebaert, J. Vierinen20220330
390Proposed wire grid ground plane for deployment in the arcticAlan E.E. Rogers20220419
391The effects of a raised ground planeAlan E.E. Rogers20220511
392Software for EDGES-3 and information for deployment on Devon Island Alan E.E. Rogers 20220727
393Proposed ground plane and set-up deployment Haughton crater Devon Island Alan E.E. Rogers 20220602
394Simulations of the length and loss of the cables used in noise wave calibrationAlan E.E. Rogers20220621
395FEKO modeling ground loss for layered soil in the arctic Alan E.E. Rogers 20220725
396Devon Island Deployment Log – August 2022 J. Barrett, R. Cappallo, J. SooHoo20220828
397Preliminary analysis of EDGES-3 data taken on Devon IslandAlan E.E. Rogers20220926
398Contact corrosion as a probable cause of intermittent S11 observed at Devon IslandAlan E.E. Rogers20220930
399Simulations of the effects of DC power lines on EDGES-3 beam and S11 Alan E.E. Rogers 20221012
400RFI from digital TV and FM at Devon Island Alan E.E. Rogers 20221018
401MRO air circulation and insulation assemblyParker Steen20221031
402Time filtering of EDGES-3 data from Devon IslandAlan E.E. Rogers20221114
403Preliminary analysis of the first EDGES-3 data from the MRO Alan E.E. Rogers 20221213
404Short duration RFI bursts observed with EDGES-3 at the MRO Alan E.E. Rogers 20230103
405Further analysis of EDGES-3 on 48x48m ground plane at the MRO Alan E.E. Rogers 20230103
406MRO EDGES-3 Installation, November 2022J. Barrett, R. Cappallo, K. Wilson20230110
407Possible resonance at 75 MHz in EDGES-3 at the MRO Alan E.E. Rogers 20230117
408Simulation of the effect of a resonant slot on the base plate at the MRO Alan E.E. Rogers 20230123
409Simulations of extending antenna box covers for improved S11 of EDGES-3 Alan E.E. Rogers 20230206
410Simulations of adding rods to broaden the bandwidth of the EDGES-3 antennaAlan E.E. Rogers 20230221
411Averaging of VNA s11 measurements to reduce errorAlan E.E. Rogers, J. Barrett, R. Cappallo20230313
412Analysis of EDGES-3 data from MRO following averaging of the VNA s1p dataAlan E.E. Rogers 20230320
413Effect of an adjacent ground plane on EDGES-3 beam chromaticityAlan E.E. Rogers 20230320
414Summary of tests of the sensitivity of EDGES-3 to systematicsAlan E.E. Rogers20230403
415Re-examination of potential sites for global 21-cm systemsAlan E.E. Rogers20230406
416Study of further improvements in VNA accuracyAlan E.E. Rogers20230428
417Tests of filtering EDGES-3 data from the MRO in 2023Alan E.E. Rogers20230512
418EDGES-3 RFI filter parameters for absorption data 2023_054 to 2023_135Alan E.E. Rogers20230530
41921-cm absorption from Devon Island using better RFI filteringAlan E.E. Rogers20230602
420Further study of the RFI in data from Devon Island in 2022Alan E.E. Rogers20230623
421Examination of possible 60 MHz resonance at GHA 4 to 6 hours at the MROAlan E.E. Rogers20230712
422Beam chromaticity of EDGES-3 on lunar regolithAlan E.E. Rogers20230719
423Tests of filtering parameters for optimum EDGES-3 calibrationAlan E.E. Rogers20230807
424Satellite reflections of FM radio may explain additional RFI in FM bandAlan E.E. Rogers20230816
425A test of the effect of feedback on the 21-cm absorption measurements of EDGESAlan E.E. Rogers20230831
426Simulations of the use of scaled antennas for global 21-cm measurementsAlan E.E. Rogers20230929
427Evidence for scintillations of Cas A as the source of spiky data from Devon IslandAlan E.E. Rogers, Juha Vierinen20230918
428Ionospheric ScintillationJuha Vierinen, Alan E.E. Rogers20230918
429Further examination of potential resonances in the 48x48m ground plane at the WAAlan E.E. Rogers20231004
430Study of the source of occasional strong RFI bursts in EDGES dataAlan E.E. Rogers20231010
431FEKO simulations of loop antenna for scanning welding slots for resonancesAlan E.E. Rogers20231018
432Summary of EDGES-3 results from the WA from 2023 day 54 to 298Alan E.E. Rogers20231101
433Simulations of an impedance analyzer compared with a VNA for EDGES S11 measurementsAlan E.E. Rogers20231106
434FEKO tests of using RF switched rods to extend the low frequency coverage of EDGES-3Alan E.E. Rogers20231115
435FEKO simulations of close contact of wires in welded mesh ground planesAlan E.E. Rogers, J. Barrett20231206
436Chromaticity of EDGES dipole on 48x48m ground plane raised 1m above the groundAlan E.E. Rogers20231221
437Summary of EDGES-3 results from the WA from 2023Alan E.E. Rogers20240102
438Evidence for scintillations from 3c273 in EDGES-3 at WAAlan E.E. Rogers20240116
439Analysis of the solar flare on 31 December 2023 observed by EDGES-3 at the WAAlan E.E. Rogers20240122
440Analysis of EDGES-3 vs Galactic Hour Angle (GHA)Alan E.E. Rogers20240212
441Tests of systematics in EDGES-3 data Alan E.E. Rogers20240220
442Further examination of 60 MHz resonance at GHA 4 to 6 hours at the WAAlan E.E. Rogers20240304
443Test of using EDGES-3 to observe recombination line spectra below 50 MHzAlan E.E. Rogers20240314
4442018 feature subtraction test on EDGES-3 data from 2023 day 363 to 2024 day 80Alan E.E. Rogers20240325
445EDGES-3 RFI filter parameters for absorption data 2023_363 to 2024_087Alan E.E. Rogers20240404
446Analysis of surveys of the 48x48m ground plane taken in November 2022 and March 2024Alan E.E. Rogers20240422
447Simulations of the effect of the prior removal of delay to fitting S11 dataAlan E.E. Rogers20240509
448Tests of limiting data to when the sun is more than 20 degrees below the horizonAlan E.E. Rogers20240528
449Sharp spectral features in EDGES-3 data from scintillationsAlan E.E. Rogers20240611
450Correlation of the peak at 65 MHz in the EDGES-3 data from the WA with solar activityAlan E.E. Rogers20240627
451More tests and analysis to aid in determination of the origin of the peak at 65 MHzAlan E.E. Rogers20240701
452Further analysis to aid in determination of the origin of the peak at 65 MHzAlan E.E. Rogers20240715
453Fine time scale processing of solar burstsAlan E.E. Rogers20240722
454Solar bursts and the earliest detection of the peak at 65 MHzAlan E.E. Rogers20240730
455The effects solar emissions on the global 21-cm dataAlan E.E. Rogers20240812
456The time scale of the changes in the peak at 65 MHz and the variation with solar rotationAlan E.E. Rogers20240828